SIBF Member recounts so-called ‘treatment’
30th March 2016Members’ views
31st March 2016Here we show an excerpt from the presentation that Tommy Leggate gave to the Financial Reference Group in the summer of 2015 and the Scottish Parliament Evening Reception on February 10th 2016.
Assume average person has working life = 46 years
i.e. start at 19, retire at 65 (some will start/stop earlier, some later)
Take the mid-point (median) as the years of loss due to infection = 23 years
some infected people will stop work while still young, others when they are older
Assume average earnings = £26,500
the figure for 2014, it was lower in previous years, it will rise in the future
Assume benefits replace approximately 20% of previous earnings = £5,300
figures reported by one respondent had benefits covering just 10% of previous wage
So, losses (in terms of earnings alone) for this example will be: