PIP Review of Health Assessments – Video Recording Proposal

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PIP Review of Health Assessments – Video Recording Proposal

At a recent DWP PIP Forum meeting, the research staff asked if we could identify any people who have current or past experience of undergoing a PIP Health Assessment. They would like to speak with ‘real people’ as part of their taking soundings about the idea of possibly offering the option of the health assessments being video recorded.

Any expenses incurred in meeting with a researcher will be covered by the DWP. They have given an absolute assurance that anything spoken about will be kept strictly within the confines if the research arena and will certainly not have any bearing on a person’s past, current or future applications for PIP.

This is not just related to bleeding disorders or contaminated blood claimants, but anyone UK-wide who applies for PIP for any health issues.

Please get in touch if you are interested in participating with this proposal.

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous says:

    I can see how video recording PIP assessments could help with appeals, but I imagine people might be a bit intimidated by a camera being in the room. There needs to be a choice, I think.

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