Parallels with Hillsborough continue
9th July 2017
SIBSS – Guidance on Tax and Benefits Exemptions
10th July 2017Andy Evans from Tainted Blood has compiled and charted available information to illustrate grahically the scale of the contaminated blood disaster in the UK. We publish it and his comments below, with permision.

“A small reminder of the scale of our injustice.
All of the disasters on this list received well deserved investigations and inquiries (or have them announced and pending). In those cases this was absolutely the right thing to do, and we take nothing whatsoever away from them.
The only disaster on the list not to receive an official inquiry or investigation is ours: contaminated blood products.
You can see from the accompanying pie chart the scale of each according to death toll. Contaminated blood products is obviously the largest in scale, with more than twice the number of deaths as all the others combined.
The other notable thing about the list is that ours is the only scandal where any investigation would be examining the Government’s role in it.
I’ll leave you to draw your own conclusions about that.”